Save Money with your Lettuce
Oh, my goodness, it’s going to be beautiful outside today! Makes me wanna grab a book and blanket and spend the afternoon in the park. Maybe I will…but before then, I’ve gotta pack a quick lunch. Lemme check my fridge: some fruit, a yogurt, a bottle of water and a light salad should do the trick. (Ooo, how ’bout a salad in a mason jar?)
Here’s a little storage tip for you: when you grab a bunch of greens from the grocery, bring them home, wash ’em up and place them in this nifty contraption shown above.
The plastic bowl is specially designed with ridges along the bottom to let the water drip down, allowing the lettuce to stay crisper longer. And like other storage containers, it’ll help save your time and money. Living an organized lifestyle is about clearing out clutter in ALL areas of your life. Learning how to create a healthy lifestyle affects what goes in your body as well as what surrounds it. I like how this bowl saves money by keeping my lettuce fresher longer. And it makes lunch easier, healthier and faster to prepare. Appleshine success!
I’m off to enjoy the day. Have a lovely afternoon and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, too!
Tell me, Appleshiners, what other kitchen tools help you live a more organized lifestyle?