Mud Rooms
It’s a spot for all your outside stuff to reside while you’re inside your home. Most are divided by family member, including room for shoes, bags, coats and other small items. Cubbies and baskets are typical but some are simply a bench and coat rack. I’ve found a few images of mud room concepts that I like:
This is one of the first mud room’s that I Appleshined. I kept it simple to go with their natural decor. They’d already picked out these large wicker baskets to hold all the kids’ shoes underneath.
This is a similar concept to the one above. Here they use pegboards as the backsplash, which offers a little color and flexibility when hanging different items.
I love how a simple closet can multi-task from clothes storage to a desk to even a mud room. Again, using baskets to store smaller items keeps the look clean. And placing the shoes on shelving keeps them from clumping on the floor.
Centsational Girl did a great job with her entry way. She used a basic storage bench and a few hooks; it serves it’s purpose while still maintaining an artistic aesthetic.
Tell me, Appleshiners, how did you arrange your mud room?