Moving to NYC? Pro Organizers Can Help || ExtraSpace



Space is a precious thing to New Yorkers. It’s incredibly expensive to acquire more, so learning how to be efficient with the space you have is key to maintaining peace of mind in the city. Perhaps more so than in any other American city, professional organizers in New York declutter minds as much as they do homes and offices.

If you are making a move into the city (or if you’ve lived in New York all your life and have simply accumulated an overwhelming amount of stuff), here are 23 professional organizers who can help you sort your things, settle into your home, and breathe a little easier.

Amelia Meena at Appleshine focuses on helping clients find ways to live less stressful, more efficient lives through organization. In April, Meena talked to My Domaine about how busy professional women in Manhattan can edit their wardrobes down into something much more manageable — after all, she says one-tenth of a woman’s wardrobe comprises 99 percent of everything she wears.

Her end-of-season closet edit is remarkably simple: “Take 15 minutes to quickly sort into three piles: yes, no, and maybe. Go with your gut, and be honest—if you haven’t worn it recently (and it’s not a special-occasion outfit), it’s a no. Then, take the maybes and group them (tops, shorts, sweaters, etc.) and assess.”

And if, after the decluttering and organizing that happens when you move to a city like New York, you still need a little extra space – or even if you’re a long-time resident in need of some after a re-organizing effort — Extra Space Storage has facilities all across the city to help you out.


October 2016
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