From Chi Omega Housing to Big Apple Living || Chi Omega Eleusis
For Amelia Meena, living in the Gamma Chapter house at Florida State prepared her for her future career as a professional organizer. “I would constantly go through all the old cabinets in the house and clean them out,” she said. The Kentucky native used this innate passion to launch Appleshine, an organization and design company in the Big Apple, which she’s called home since 2005. “My room in the sorority house was probably bigger than my room in New York City,” she joked.
Now, as an active member of the New York City Alumnae Chapter, she holds personal organizing workshops to educate her Sisters on how to live within their means in small spaces. She initially joined the chapter’s book club because as a female business owner, she “craved interaction with other strong women and needed an opportunity to have discussions with them in a very non-competitive and supportive environment.”
As for her undergraduate days, she said serving as the G.M. for her chapter required a skill set she utilizes in her business today. “Being a pledge trainer, I was constantly managing the needs of 50-plus incoming freshmen, and that helps a lot with client management,” she said.
When asked what Sisters can do to organize their T-shirts and other Chi-O memorabilia, she referenced her chapter’s tradition of having outgoing seniors will their items to younger members in the house. “It was a way to get rid of all of the stuff you accumulate during college, while keeping it in the family,” she explained.
Chi Omega Eleusis