7 Common Home Decorating Tactics That Just Create Clutter || Country Living

There’s a fine line between a beautifully accessorized room and feeling like junk mail, nick knacks, and wall art have completely taken over your entire home. If you want a stylish space, make sure you avoid these decor mistakes that might cause you to stray from the organization you crave.


We’re talking teapots, cookbooks, and juice glasses. There was a time when you thought they were so adorable, but go ahead — it’s OK to admit you never use ’em. “When too many of these items are put into a small space, you start to create more clutter than not,” says Amelia Meena, founder of Appleshine.


It might make your sofa cosier, but Meena warns too many fluffy accessories can overwhelm a room. “Less is more when it comes to a small couch in a small space,” she says. To maintain an eclectic look, stick to two pillows of different sizes and colors instead.


“Using an extra shelf to store stacks of plates and spices is totally worth it, but don’t over do it,” warns Meena, who says people have a tendency to store too many bins and tools instead of getting rid of unnecessary items as needed.


In theory, Meena admits these seem like a great idea because they frame cute mementos and trinkets — but too much can lessen the appeal. “When grouped together without a cohesive theme, they just add clutter to the walls,” she says.

APRIL 2016
Country Living
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