10 Unbelievable Spring Cleaning Transformations || House Beautiful
When you think about spring cleaning, where does your mind go? If you’re like us, it pivots straight to the messiest corner in your home — the dust mountain under your bed, a grimy stovetop, that dreaded “everything” drawer. Everyone has at least one space they struggle to keep under control — even the savviest home bloggers on the planet.
Proof: 10 of Hometalk’s bravest contributors shared the most embarrassing trouble spots in their home — and we enlisted a crew of pro organizers to fix ’em: Mauve Richmond, founder of Mauve’s Method; Jeni Aron, founder of Clutter Cowgirl; and Amelia Meena, founder of Appleshine.
Ready for the stunning results? We thought so …
BEFORE: A Cluttered Laundry Closet
Megan Chamberlin of C’mon, Get Crafty made over her laundry room and closet two years ago when she first moved into her house, but it failed to keep up with her family. “It got to the point where we were just tossing things around, rather than bothering to put anything away,” she says.
AFTER: A Serene Storage Space
Amelia Meena’s straightforward advice: “Add shoe shelves.” Chamberlin took it a step further by choosing storage that doubles as a bench. Meena also recommends adding several smaller bins instead of only one big one.
APRIL 2016
House Beautiful
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